Olympian joins volunteers for river clean-up - The Rugby Observer

Olympian joins volunteers for river clean-up

Rugby Editorial 6th Jun, 2024   0

VOLUNTEERS – including a local Olympian – have taken to the water to removed rubbish from the River Avon in Rugby.

World Champion canoeist Kimberley Woods turned up to do her bit before competing in the Olympics in July.

Members of Rugby Canoe Club joined the nationwide Big Paddle Clean Up to clear the local waterway of junk and plastic pollution.

They included World Champion canoeist Kimberley Woods, who turned up to do her bit before competing in the Olympics in July.

Greg Spencer from national governing body Paddle UK also took part, showing volunteers how to tackle fallen trees across the river.

Together, they removed rubbish including a child’s bike, shoes, footballs, traffic cones, barriers, plastic bottles, a barbie doll, plastic bags and other pollutants.

Organiser Diane Woods said: “We completed the clean-up with four large bags to the tip, and a sense or achievement that we did our bit for the environment.

“I’d like to thank the dedicated land-based group making the River Avon a cleaner place to paddle – John and Kathleen Woods, Lester, Jasmin and Mary-Rose Ward, and Julie Foster.”

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