Family Fun Day raises £1,000 for worthy causes - The Rugby Observer

Family Fun Day raises £1,000 for worthy causes

Rugby Editorial 14th Aug, 2023   0

HUNDREDS of families have helped to raise £1,000 for three good causes at a summer fete.

Manor Farm Shop in Catthorpe hosted its Family Fun Day in aid of Wooden Spoon, Rugby Rokeby Lions and the village’s St Thomas’ Church.

Visitors explored the farmyard’s tractors, met its rare breed Leicester Longwool sheep, and took part in crazy golf, colouring, seed planting, face painting, a farm quiz and food tastings.

A tombola, a raffle and donations on the door helped to raise the grand total of £1,000.

Manager Caroline England said: “Considering how wet it was on the day, this is a great total and the team would like to thank everyone who came along and supported these great charities.”

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