Regions' business leaders call for next round of MPs to provide more employment land - The Rugby Observer

Regions' business leaders call for next round of MPs to provide more employment land

Rugby Editorial 22nd Jun, 2024   0

BUSINESS leaders in the region have called on the next round of MPs in the area to provide more employment land.

The Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce says there is a ‘chronic need’ for more land to be allocated for business use, to help grow the economy and provide jobs for people in the region.

The issue is one of the Chamber’s top priorities for local candidates in the run up to the July 4 general election.

David Penn, partner at regional property agency Bromwich Hardy and past president of the Chamber, is one of the driving forces behind the call.

He said: “When supply is restricted, as it is now, it drives land prices to a point where some types of development don’t make sense financially.

“Ultimately, these are the places that will provide the jobs for today and for the future and that’s why it is so vitally important not just for business, but for all of us.

“This isn’t something that will be the responsibility of local MPs alone – it has to be National Government and Local Authorities working in tandem to deliver what is needed – but we need our MPs to be behind this.”

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