11 Apps And Tools Students Should Try Out To Help Them Through Their Exams - The Rugby Observer

11 Apps And Tools Students Should Try Out To Help Them Through Their Exams

Rugby Editorial 17th Nov, 2022   0

THERE are apps and tools that can help students reach their full potential throughout exam time and beyond.

There’s more to it than just studying when it comes to acing exams; you need to take care of your mental and physical health, ensuring your body gets what it needs to achieve peak performance.

It can feel overwhelming to choose from the many apps available aimed at students working through their exams.

It may help to download a few different options to test out until you find the ones that suit you and your learning style best.

You should also download apps and tools that remind you to take a break and give yourself a rest.

Scheduling App

When exam season rolls around, it can be tricky to keep on top of all the different dates and deadlines you need to remember.

Finding a scheduling app can be a great option to help you remember all the things you need to do and when.

There are many options, from general scheduling apps to those designed with student schedules in mind.

You can include deadlines for coursework, exam dates, and meetings with advisors and supervisors in this app.

Online Academies

While most of your knowledge on exam subjects should come from your lectures and tutorials, finding reliable information to supplement your learning can be helpful.

There are online academies that offer free courses on a wide range of topics that can help you deepen your understanding of your subject.

Things like Khan Academy can be invaluable for students, offering free comprehensive education on various topics.

Notes App

Notes apps are getting more sophisticated every day, allowing you to collate your notes on different subjects into one centralised app.

You should look for an app with colour coding that allows you to include multiple media types and organise your notes to let you work through them methodically.

Quiz Generator

One of the most popular ways to test your knowledge and understanding of a topic is through quizzes and memorisation.

Previously this meant writing out flashcards and asking a friend to test you, but now there are apps that will generate a quiz for you after you input the data you need to learn.

This can be an excellent option for any student, from law students memorising case law, and maths students learning equations to science students learning biological processes.

Fitness Tracker

It can be easy to forget to take care of yourself and your body when preparing for exams.

Many students go from their halls of residence to the library and back again, leaving no opportunity for exercising.

While it is an understandable urge to dedicate as much time as possible to your studies, your body needs a break the same way your mind does.

The healthier you are when exam time arrives, the better you will perform, so downloading a fitness tracker to help you monitor your time spent exercising can be invaluable.

Many fitness trackers also include dietary tips and help to ensure you’re eating well and staying within a healthy calorie intake, which can be a great way to get plenty of brain food into your diet.

Stress-Busting Games

Planning downtime into your daily routine when you’re studying is vital to prevent you from burning out.

Games can be a great way to do this, helping you manage your stress and give your brain a break from constant studying.

There are plenty of stress-busting games out there to try, so it can help to give a few options a try.

Casino games are a particularly popular option, giving users a sense of achievement and excitement while unwinding – and potentially bringing in some extra spending money.

Always be cautious when choosing an online casino to use during your downtime and select a reputable casino like the brilliant options at onlinecasinos.co.uk.

Avoid spending what you cannot afford to lose.

Timer App

Doing practice tests can be a great way to prep for exams, so finding ways to recreate the strict conditions you’ll find in the exam room is critical.

The library is ideal, as it will be quiet, filled with others studying, and provides you with comfortable seating and desk areas.

The only thing you need is a timer to help you monitor how long it takes to complete an exam to your satisfaction.

You can then work on cutting this time down until it matches the time allowance for the exam.

Sleep Tracker

Sleep is critical to performing your best, and many students struggle with keeping good sleep habits. Sleep tracker apps monitor your movements, heart rate and breathing while you sleep, assessing your sleep quality and giving advice on improving it.

There are also sleep apps that come with alarms designed to wake you during the lightest sleep phase, which means you’ll be more refreshed when you get up.

Portable Scanner

Comparing notes is common among students, and previously this would mean hand copying out notes or paying for the library scanners to get a copy.

Now, however, you can download a scanner app directly to your phone and scan others’ notes on the go. You can also scan your own, ready to share with your peers as needed.

Meditation App

Exam time can be incredibly stressful, and the more you stress, the less likely you are to achieve your full potential in an exam.

This means that managing your stress levels is critical to achieving the grade you hope to obtain, and there’s no better stress-busting activity than mediation.

Meditation is a quick and easy practice that you can incorporate into any spare few minutes you have throughout the day.

Meditation apps can help you learn how to meditate effectively and remind you to take a few minutes to calm your mind.

Social Media Blocker

If procrastination is your worst enemy during exam time, you’re not alone.

Many students struggle with focus and concentration, and social media is the biggest culprit when it comes to procrastination.

Using a social media blocker can be a great way to ensure that you don’t get distracted when you’re supposed to be studying.

Typically, you can use these tools to set a specific period that you want to go without using social media.

This could be as short as a few minutes or as long as a few days, giving you plenty of time to dedicate to your studies, distraction-free.


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