How to Write an Essay About A Favourite Rugby Player - The Rugby Observer

How to Write an Essay About A Favourite Rugby Player

Writing various college papers is a routine task for students. Essays are among the most common types of tasks that help teachers realize how students understand the discipline and formulate their thoughts. If you are assigned to write an essay, you will spend several hours sourcing information, and after that, you will need to create a short text. Writing papers about sports and athletes has specifications, so we will try to help you with working tips in our article. Read on to find out the hacks from talented authors who often write about rugby and other sports.

What is an Essay?

Essays are academic papers that aim to teach students to explain their thoughts and ideas in comprehensive, concise, and straightforward ways. Essays can be written in various disciplines. For example, many essays are created on such disciplines as history, philosophy, ethics, marketing, English literature, etc.

If a student wants to succeed in writing essays, he or she must know the rules of research and structuring. Also, a student must be familiar with various types of essays, including admission essays, narrative essays, persuasive essays, discussion essays, explanatory essays, compare & contrast essays, etc. By the way, one can easily find all aspects related to the correct writing of various essay types online. For example, reaching out to will also help you find an effective helper who will easily write for you not only any type of essay but also a thesis paper, a speech, a dissertation, etc.

Writing an Essay About A Favourite Rugby Player

Below, you will find tips and hacks that will let you write a great essay about your favorite rugby player. We collected pieces of advice that will ultimately fit any type of essay, from narrative to descriptive. Using our universal tips will let you boost your writing performance and learn to create meaningful and flawless essays. You can also use our pieces of advice when writing papers on other topics.

Start with preparation

The successful process of writing an essay about your favorite rugby player starts with arranging your workplace. Take care about comfort in the zone you will stay in while working on an essay. The table must be situated far from loud noises. For example, if you have roommates or loud family members around, ask them to reduce their activity. If possible, switch the location to a quieter one. Many students work on essays in classrooms, in libraries, co-workings, etc.

Your workplace must be inspiring and free of unnecessary objects like food, glasses, magazines, toys, etc.

Read the instructions

A teacher who has assigned you to write an essay about your favorite rugby player will provide you with manuals. These manuals will contain core requirements for the word count, number of paragraphs, tone of voice, style of formatting (MLA, Chicago, APA), structuring/outlining, referencing, etc.

Following the instructions of a teacher is a basic way to score a good grade. However, more than just completing manuals is required to score the highest grade. For an A-grade essay about your favorite rugby player, you need to choose a non-trivial topic and provide in-depth research.

If, after reading the manuals provided to you by a teacher, you are not sure that you got all the information correctly, ask questions. It would be better to specify all before you start writing an essay.

Formulate a topic

Writing a meaningful and catchy essay about your favorite rugby player requires an author to choose a good topic. Here are several strategies for choosing a topic for a successful essay.

First, you can choose one of the topics suggested for you in the teacher’s manuals. However, most teachers want students to formulate essay topics by themselves to see how they can do it correctly.

The second way to formulate a good topic is to formulate it yourself. For example, when writing a paper about your favorite rugby player, you can describe a part of his biography and approach it creatively.

Third option for those who lack ideas on essay topics if using online title generating tools. These instruments allow you to get several ideas of topics by entering only several keywords.

Remember that choosing an inspiring topic will make it easier for you to write a great paper that will be interesting to your readers.

Collect information

Any essay about sports requires patience when collecting information. The quality of research you provide defines the result of your work. All data must be checked and taken only from trusted books, sites, and other sources. It would be great if you included some fragments of interviews with players. The sources you used must be properly arranged and cited to avoid issues when a teacher checks for plagiarism in your essay.

Generate the main thesis

A successful essay requires an author to generate the core idea. It must be a statement that you will explain in detail and add arguments proving that you are right. The main statement must be highlighted in the introduction of an essay. A correctly formulated thesis statement contains a questionable fact, so readers can relate to the case by agreeing with it or forming their own opinion. The main thesis must be explained in detail in the body of an essay.

Outline and draft

If you lack time before the deadline or want to optimize the process of writing an essay, combine the stages of drafting and structuring. Drafting an essay will let you not only generate several fresh ideas, but also make notes related to sources. A patiently written draft that contains many additional information will help you to structure your thoughts.

Start writing a draft of an essay with an introduction. This part of a draft must provide information about the topic and introduce the main thesis. After you finish drafting and proceed with writing an essay, you will need to add an introduction with some hooks to catch the attention of readers. But in the stage of drafting, it would not be necessary to do so.

To draft the main body of an essay, you need to write down all the statements that support your main thesis. The number of these supporting statements will define the number of paragraphs in your paper. When you add the draft with more information, remember to make sentences and paragraphs cohesive.

The last component of the draft would be a conclusion. An essay should be wrapped up with a clear summary that will repeat the core ideas. This section does not require additional information. However, one can suggest some ideas or topics for other essays.

Edit an essay

After you finish writing an essay and provide all details related to a to[pic, start the stage of editing. Proofreading is a several-stage process that not only reduces grammar mistakes but also requires an author to get rid of punctuation errors, typos, repeated words, etc. Quality editing also requires an author to check all the dates, names, surnames, etc. By spending time to polish your essay patiently, you will avoid problems related to issues that happened because you missed attention.


Essays are popular tasks that teachers use as instruments of estimation of students’ ability to formulate thoughts in a convincing and precise manner. To write a good essay about your favorite rugby player, you must go through the instructions provided by a teacher and follow all the requirements. Choosing a non-trivial topic and a clear formulation will add to your scores as teachers appreciate creativity. After, you need to generate the main thesis highlighting your core idea. By combining the stages of drafting and structuring, you will sufficiently save time. By spending enough time reducing errors and polishing the text, you will raise your chances of scoring a high grade. We wish you good luck!

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