Tips Planning for the Unexpected: Things to Consider - The Rugby Observer

Tips Planning for the Unexpected: Things to Consider

Correspondent 10th Aug, 2022   0

Setting goals, analysing scenarios, and carrying out tasks will help you reach your destination faster. When things get tough, you can often return to your plan, assess how to overcome any roadblocks, and then move forward. Of course, life does not always go as planned, so it is critical to plan for the unexpected. Unfortunately, that appears to be impossible. How can you prepare for something you can’t predict? You can’t plan the details, but you can put yourself in a mindset that will help you succeed. A typical example of this is funeral planning. We don’t know when or how we will die, but we can put things in place to help further down the line.

Life has a habit of throwing us unexpected situations that can occur at any time. While it is not always ideal or something we can control, it is critical that we know how to respond when the unexpected occurs. Can you recall a time when something unexpected happened to you? What was it exactly? How did you handle it? Here are some tips on how we believe you can plan for the unexpected.

Worst Case Scenario

Planning allows us to avoid the unpleasant itch that comes with growth. When we make plans for ourselves, we generally try to avoid any potential roadblocks. That is, after all, the real reason for making plans in the first place. However, curveballs allow us to make the most significant leap towards self-awareness and understanding. Therefore, it’s helpful to plan for the worst-case scenario and work backwards from there.

Create a Go-to List

Relationships are one of the most overlooked aspects of preparation in our self-sufficient society. Who do you call if you are in an accident? Who do you turn to in a financial crisis? You can have someone to turn to if your water is turned off if you build a network and surround yourself with a supportive community. You can have them come and pick you up if your car breaks down.

Emergency Fund

Make sure you have money in the bank. This will help if your car breaks down and keep you from falling into debt to cover your expenses. A fully funded emergency fund should have a few months of living expenses saved in today’s economy. That may seem extreme, but if you or your spouse lose your job, this will help you get through the difficult times. Finding a new job can be difficult. This will give you peace of mind knowing that you can provide for your family even if your financial situation changes.

Make Priorities

I plan my days the night before. This means I can arrive at work in the morning and get right to work, avoiding any distractions. When I plan my days, I keep my weekly priorities in mind. Being clear on priorities allows me to accommodate urgent or unexpected tasks because I know what I refuse to move or eliminate. Those priorities may shift from week to week or even from day to day, but knowing what matters makes it easier to cut out the things that don’t matter when an urgent task interrupts.


Recognise and accept the fact that surprises and unexpected events are an unavoidable part of life. Accepting this will make dealing with whatever happens in your life easier. Life is not static; it is dynamic. Change is a part of life.


Just because you believe something will happen does not make it so. On the other hand, if you tell yourself you can’t do something, there is no way it will happen. Maintaining a positive attitude will assist you in overcoming unexpected obstacles. Find others who are naturally good at being positive in the face of adversity if you are not. Their positive attitude or belief in you will help you get through the difficult times.


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