Dangerous drivers caught on camera in police video - The Rugby Observer

Dangerous drivers caught on camera in police video

A DANGEROUS motorist who drove towards oncoming traffic on the wrong side of the road is among offenders caught on camera in Northamptonshire.

Officers from Northamptonshire Police’s Safer Roads Team have compiled a new batch of video clips to highlight more examples of poor driver behaviour captured on the county’s roads.

The video has been created using dash-cam footage recorded by drivers and cyclists and submitted via the force’s Operation Snap online portal.

The four drivers featured in the video were prosecuted for driving a motor vehicle dangerously, driving without reasonable consideration to other road users, driving while not in proper control of a vehicle, and driving without due care and attention.

The driver who overtook on solid white lines and drove towards oncoming traffic received a suspended 12-week custodial sentence, was disqualified from driving for 24 months, and was required to pass an extended driving test, complete a community order, and pay £213 costs.

The motorist filmed using a mobile phone while behind the wheel received three points on their licence and was fined £100 after being prosecuted for driving while not in proper control of a vehicle.

The taxi driver who pulled in front of another vehicle and brake checked them several times also received three points on their licence and was fined £100 for driving without due care and attention.

And the motorist who passed a cyclist at a very close distance was required to complete an education course after he was found to be driving without reasonable consideration to other road users.

Between October and December last year, the force received 326 Operation Snap video submissions, resulting in 180 Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) letters being sent.

Driving without due care and attention continues to be the most common offence detected with a total of 106 registered owners sent NIP letters, while a further 31 drivers failed to comply with red traffic lights.

In the same three-month period, 12 drivers received warning letters advising them of the manner of their driving.

Northamptonshire Police’s Safer Roads Operations Manager, Matthew O’Connell, said: “As a force, we continue to be committed to reducing the number of people who are killed or seriously injured on our roads.

“Through the use of Operation Snap, we have thousands of additional pairs of eyes helping us to keep our roads safer and thanks to the public’s support we are able to take action against driving offences we otherwise wouldn’t see.

“As a result of this, the chances of getting caught committing traffic offences have increased, which can only be a good thing, and we hope this serves as an incentive for everyone to use our roads more safely.”

The Safer Roads Team has 14 days to investigate any offences, so members of the public are asked to submit their videos as soon after the incident as possible.

Visit www.northants.police.uk/OpSnap to submit footage of poor driving in Northamptonshire.

See above to watch the video.


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