Voters preparing to head back to the polls - The Rugby Observer

Voters preparing to head back to the polls

Sophie Heaviside 19th Apr, 2017 Updated: 19th Apr, 2017   0

VOTERS could be heading to the polls for a general election in June after Theresa May announced plans to call a ‘snap’ general election.

But the Prime Minister needs Parliament’s backing to hold a vote before 2020 and MPs will vote today on holding an election on June 8. The Labour Party has said it would back the vote for the early election.

Rugby Tory MP Mark Pawsey has welcomed the proposed early election and said: “This election will provide the people of our country with a clear choice between the strong and stable leadership of Theresa May and the Conservatives, and the chaos and incompetence of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party.

“This Government has achieved a great deal since it came to power – employment is at record levels, unemployment is at its lowest level for 45 years, over 3million UK workers have been taken out of paying income tax altogether, and millions are benefitting from the national living wage.

“Government spending is at record levels, including on pensions, health and education. There is still more to do, I firmly believe that only a Conservative government, led by Theresa May, can secure the bright future for Britain that we all want.

“It has been an honour to serve as Rugby’s Member of Parliament for the last seven years and I hope to be able to continue to represent the interests of local people for many years to come.”

Liberal Democrat spokesperson Jerry Roodhouse welcomed the election.

“This election is a huge opportunity for voters in Rugby & Bulkington to change the direction of our country and ensure Britain has a decent opposition.

“People in this area may have voted to leave the EU, but many did not vote for the extreme form of Brexit that Theresa May has imposed on us after being backed by Labour.

“For all those who want to protect our local economy by staying in the Single Market and ensure the people have the final say over what comes next, this is your chance.

“The Liberal Democrats are the real opposition to the Conservative Brexit Government and the only party fighting for a Britain that is open, tolerant and united.”

And the leader of the Rugby Borough Council Labour Group, Claire Edwards added: “While so few people want a general election, it will be an opportunity for Labour to represent the hard working people in Rugby.

“We’re offering an alternative to an MP who has frankly done very little in the last few years.

“We’ve been out campaigning for the upcoming County Council elections and borough by-elections. We will hold our local MP to account.”

But the Prime Minister has come under fire from some after promising there would be no general election before 2020.

UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said: “Here’s further proof no-one should trust a word the Prime Minister says.

“This is something people should bear in mind every time she makes a promise during the coming election campaign.

“At a time of unprecedented national and international uncertainty, the Conservatives have thrown the country into a snap election, but now at least people can have their say about the future of the country.

“As the UK prepares to leave the EU, this election must be about the future of our public services and the spending cuts unleashed over the past seven years.

“The government cannot and must not be given a renewed mandate for further funding squeezes and ending cherished rights at work.

“Labour now has an opportunity to show it is the alternative government the country needs, campaigning and winning for working people everywhere.”

Business leaders said the election must not be allowed to upset economic stability.

Louise Bennett, chief executive of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “Businesses have had to weather a great deal of uncertainty in the last 18 months or so, and have continued to drive forward our economy. That has to continue especially as Brexit starts to become a reality. A general election must not be allowed to derail what has been impressive progress, and our economic fortunes must not be hostage to political points scoring from the parties in the run up to the election.”


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